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Presentation Skills and Public Speaking for Senior Managers Verified - Hosted By

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The key to any successful presentation is being able to engage the audience, keep your energy levels high and use humour. Public speaking and presentations are usually a daunting task for many senior executives which is why we believe in getting straight into the task. We go through how to rehearse what you are going to say and how you’re going to say it so the audience see the ‘real you’ and not some automated speech with no personality and credibility. This is not an introductory workshop, delegates must have an awareness of platform skills and come prepared with a presentation. Our aim is to get you to the stage where you will learn to trust in yourself and believe in your public speaking and presentation ability.


  • Identify a key topic to present and plan a narrative
  • Learn how to look comfortable, confident, relaxed and powerful in any speaking environment
  • Know how to frame a message
  • How to make sure your audience really understands you
  • Learn how to plan and structure presentations for maximum impact.
  • Acquire tools needed for presentation and to develop a persuasive and impressive speaking style.
  • How to make sure your audience remembers your key messages

Course Content

Below is an example of the course content. The content can be ‘tailored’ to meet the exact requirements of the client.

Day One
Pre-workshop preparation – ‘show us’!
  • Your first presentation (this will be filmed)
  • Feedback on effectiveness of delivery style
  • Evaluate your own strengths and areas for development
  • Action points to work on for the final presentation
Crucial elements in public speaking
  • Stage presence and authenticity
  • Projecting professionalism, confidence and presence
  • Understanding your audience and winning them over
  • Engaging your audience and keeping their attention
  • Modulating your voice – using tempo, volume and pace
  • Using the power of story-telling to keep your audience
    on the edge of their seats
  • Handling questions and answers like a professional
Developing your message
  • Writing versus speaking – how to say what you write
  • Using logic and language to keep the audience with you
  • Clarity and conciseness
Do’s and don’ts of public speaking
  • Timing
  • Humour
  • Remembering what to say
  • Imitating others
  • Using quotes or gestures
  • What to have nearby…in case!
  • How to deal with distractions
Day Two
Achieving executive presence
  • How to start and end a speech
  • Becoming a passionate speaker
  • Storytelling
  • Speaking with maximum focus and discipline
  • Using metaphors, comparisons and anecdotes
The’ Presenter’
  • Carrying out the ‘essential checks’
  • Presenting the ‘right’ image
  • Using your words, tone and body language
  • Acknowledging and overcoming nerves
  • Using mannerisms and gestures to enhance impact
Beating public speaking phobias
  • Preparing thoroughly but be authentic
  • Turn nerves into excitement
  • How to stand when there is a podium
  • How to deal with naysayers?
Day Three
The art of presenting
  • Delivery – the “how” of the presentation
  • Creating perceptions in the listener’s mind
  • Content – the “what” of the presentation
  • Interaction – ways to get your listeners involved in your presentation
Delivering the final presentation
  • Criteria
  • This will be filmed
  • Feedback on yours
  • Feedback on others
  • Action learning points


Recommendations for continued individual improvement are provided at the end of the course. Throughout the workshop, executives will experience tools that have proven track records of producing meaningful, visible results that engage listeners, create emotional connections, and get audiences to perceive you exactly the way you want them to.

The foundation of our training is anchored in activity-based experiential learning. This methodology takes into consideration different learning and communication styles, and more importantly language and cultural differences. It is through active participation that the adoption and application of theory is expedited. All video recordings will be sent to the delegates for their own review and self-awareness.

Our training team pays careful attention to planning and designing effective instructional methods essential for the transfer of knowledge. It is the creative skill of our management trainers and consultants that reveal untapped skills of the delegates through:

  • Group discussion
  • Individual and syndicate activities
  • Individual and group tasks
  • Case studies
  • Role plays
  • Audio and video evaluation
  • Action planning
  • Experiential learning games
  • Presentations

Availability Calendar


  • Street Parking

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